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Culture and the Cycle of Life DVD

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Every one of us is affected by our cultural environment – in our family, our group, organization, work environment, religious institution or educational establishment. One way or another, we have to come to terms with it.

Some cultures support the health and wellbeing of their members better than others. How can we assess a culture, the better to develop an educated opinion about how it is affecting us, and also how we want to affect it?

Pamela Levin details the crucial information we can use to make healthy decisions about the cultures of our lives. Based on nearly 40 years of observation, her ground-breaking research reveals how to think about culture - or what happens on the outside of us and the cycle of life - or what happens on the inside of us, to assess any culture.

You will journey into the hidden meeting ground between culture and our inner nature, revealing the place where they unite, encode in our memory banks, shaping how our bodies and psyches function – even overriding our DNA!

Stage by stage, you will be guided through each phase of your life journey, which will reveal how culture impacts you for better or worse. And, you’ll be provided with the key questions you can use in each stage to assess any culture in your life.

Pamela Levin is a health professional with over 40 years’ experience counseling, teaching and training lay and health professionals all over the world. This DVD includes her award-winning information on the Cycle of Life.

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Culture and the Cycle of Life
Assessment Questionnaire, so you
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