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Creating Smooth Passages
in Every Life Season

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How are we made? Is there an underlying, hidden pattern to life? If so what is it and how can we use it to further our growth, improve our relationships, make peace with ourselves, recover from addictions, raise our children, relate to our parents, peers and coworkers? This guidebook introduces the results of paradigm-shattering clinical research that redefines what it means to be human, uncovers the blueprint we share with every thing that exists, and provides essential guidance for creating smooth life transitions at every age and stage. Used by thousands of people around the world to illuminate their inner lives and outer relationships, aid recovery from addictions, teach children, guide parents, understand the stages of creativity and more. A landmark, leading-edge work.

See Sample Pages
(Table of Contents, Preface, Comments)

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Reader Comments

"Now that I know I'm not supposed to outgrow what I needed as a child, I can finally feel normal!"
Graphics Designer, California

"I didn't realize there were stages in parenting as well as in the children being raised, and especially that they are the same stages! Fantastic! My parenting skills have now improved and I'm also much more relaxed. Thank you."
Parent, Seattle, Washington

"I found your words very inspiring, and although new concepts to me, very familiar. What I'd been feeling inside was put into words. Thank you."
Twenty-year-old first-time mother, eight months pregnant

"I had trouble getting your books at the school library because, apparently they are always checked out."
Student, Marin California

"Your book was the perfect healing tool following my divorce. I only wish I'd known before."
Reader, Illinois

"I want to use this information in a class I'm teaching for codependents and adult children of dysfunctional families, and later in a class for nurses, and also on health, healing and wholeness."
RN, Kansas City, Missouri

"Pam Levin's leading-edge work is the foundation for Homecoming' Inner Child material and provides the most advanced, effective and compassionate structure available for Inner Child healing."
John Bradshaw, author of Homecoming

"To know how you are, read how you were... A beautifully clear exposition of the developmental phases of living."
Alvyn Freed, PhD, author of TA for Tots, Kids and Teens

"A useful guide to our stuck points and how to fix them…described in the everyday language of development."
Stephen B. Karpman, MD, author of "Karpman Drama Triangle," CTM., ITAA

". . . adds a new dimension, showing the developmental process of life in T.A. terms."
Dr. L. Jim Anthis, Editor-at-Large,
"The Disciple" (Journal of the Christian Church)

"We recommend this book to all our trainees."
Robert Goulding, MD and Mary McClure Goulding, MSW

"We routinely give this book to all new clients to identify developmental issues, to give them a menu for what they might need, and to show them what they might expect in therapy with us."
Jon Weiss, PhD, CTM, ITAA,
Empowerment Systems, Littleton, Colorado

". . . a valuable must on your reading list. Pam Levin is a pioneer in both theory and practice of Transactional Analysis and is particularly qualified to share her ideas on how parents' own psychology affects the development of their child. Pam has given us a book which is easy to read and understand but is loaded with solid scientific insights."
Jack Dusay, MD,
Past President of International Transactional Analysis Association, author of Egograms

"This is a fine summary of how we develop scripts and how we can go beyond them, written from a Transactional Analysis point of view."
Claude Steiner, author of Scripts People Live and Games Alcoholics Play

"I like Pam and the way she thinks and writes. Both she and her words are clear, direct and encouraging. It's a winning combination."
Muriel James, coauthor of Born to Win, Lafayette, California

"This work on development takes Eric Berne's theory and grounds it in health rather than in pathology, thus continuing his tradition of conveying scientific information through a universal language—that of childhood."
Patricia Crossman, LCSW Winner of Eric Berne Memorial Scientific Award

"I use this book in my personal life and I strongly recommend it."
Jean Clarke, author of Self Esteem: A Family Affair

"When Becoming the Way We Are first came out I used it as a handbook for the therapy I did with clients. Both my clients and I valued it as a resource. Since then, I have only two wellguarded copies remaining which I share with clients in the office. I do not lend them out. This is invaluable core information to healing in psychotherapy."
Jan Elliott LCSW, Ashland, Oregon

See Sample Pages
(Table of Contents, Preface, Comments)

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